Monday, February 7, 2011


Its now February - I am going to try to keep up on my blogging. If only I can stay away from plants vs. aliens long enough curse that addicting game. I blame my friends boy Kaden for telling me about the game. I will try to be better at blogging... atleast I take picutes of our live so when I do get to blogging I have things to show for it. Our live is simple, and not very exciting, we do weird and crazy things like wax our nose hairs. But this is our life and we try to have fun and make the best out of everything. I am so greatful for a wonderful husband that works so hard and takes what I give him, I know I can be difficult to live with but he puts up with me. I love Kairi and love watching her grow and learn new things - I do pray everynight that we both get sleep. But I love her and hope I am doing the best I can to be a good Mom. Still trying to fit my life into her live... 6 months you think I would have gotten a hang of it, but I haven't - I to have my hard days. But I love what I have! So Happy February and here is to keeping up with blogging and my "journaling"

Im going to start doing planks everyday with Kairi - we are going to have rock hard abs, just in time for bathing suit time!

You would have a hard time blogging if this is what you had to play with everyday. I love her and that smile. She actually smiled at the camera today, thats another feat today. She is turning into my child. I try to teach her all I know and do.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Such a cute picture of Kairi!