Monday, February 7, 2011

6 Months

Weight 13.5 lbs (15%)
Height 25.5 m (40%)
Head 43 CM (65%)
The doctor said she has a big brain... in turn that means Kairi you have a big head!

She is getting more and more fun everyday!! She loves to be on the floor that way she can scoot around. She gets on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth but hasn't made that crawlign motion yet... more of a scoot with her hands but she is a quick one. She does alot of planks, get on her hands and toes and sits in a plank position and babbles to herself. She is so much fun, now if only we can get her to nap for more than 15 min a day... and sleep the entire night through. I have my rough days where I just cry out of exhaustion because she wont sleep, or doesn't want to go to sleep. Any suggestions let me know.
But she is a joy in our/my life. I couldn't ask for a better girl than her. She makes me smile and laugh everyday. I am truly blessed to be her mom.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Now she is short? Bryton's appt is soon, but I weighed and measured him today, my measurements... 20.5lbs! And 28 inches long, he will be 6 months tomorrow. What a tank!! ;)