Friday, October 1, 2010


My baby has eczema. So sad. We noticed it all over her back last night. Her skin was rough and cracking and red and it looked painful. It didn't seem to bother her at all but I called the Doctor and took her in today. We had to put a cream on her skin and really moisturize her up as often as we can with a heavy duty lotion. I have to switch the detergent I wash her clothes in to make it less irritable for her. Reading about eczema it says it very common in infants but not very common for infants that are breast fed, but if you drink cows milk or eat egg products babies can get it. It also says they can get it if if there is any history of allergys in the family like Asthma or hay fever. Well Kelly side of the family has the worst allergys to me at least (he would agree) so I guess Kairi was doomed from the start. But we caught it early and already with just applying this medication today it seems to be clearing up nicely. Read also that if infants have it, it can be cleared up and usually don't have problems with it later in life.

Its just crazy the things I eat affect her so much!! I can't eat chocolate as it because it upsets her so much. Breast feeding is so rewarding but so hard at the same time. I love it and wouldn't change it for the world. I love it that she knows me and sometimes all she wants is mommy - yes I have what she wants but we have a stronger bond. All good things are hard they say!


Nisha said...

I have my kids take flaxseed oil when they're having skin issues to heal it from the inside out. Not sure how that would work with her being so young, but it looks like your solution is working!

Jenn said...

Not fun. But glad you caught it early. Hopefully she doesn't get all her daddy's allergy's.

Hoylelicious said...

I heard Flaxseed works wonders... wonder if I take it it will help her?? I'll look into it. THanks Nisha

Unknown said...

As Andrea told me and probably many others taking Acidopholus (found at health food stores and naturally in yogurt) will help with digestion for you and babe. I could eat brocolli when I took it. It really works.