Monday, April 19, 2010

I love this season

Really nothing is better than spending time with people you enjoy and eating good food. I love our new BBQ, wait let me change that - Kelly and I love our new BBQ we cook on it as often as we can. He loves Costco steaks, I love chicken marinaded, cooked with a side of grilled veggies sprinkled with Canadian secret seasoning from Uncle Reed. mmmm So yesterday we had a crowd full - and boy was it fun. We had a great mix of everything to eat and I think I ate myself into a food coma - I slept soo good that night! So here is some random pictures from our evening. My camera's battery was dying and I can't quite remember where I put the charger (stupid pregnancy brain, and torn up house) so I didn't get to many pictures of the BBQ, but know that we had a lot of fun and you missed out if you weren't there - but hope next time you are. You don't even need an invite just show up we'll make a party!

Who doesn't love PING PONG?? (Korver womped Kelly)

This is my friends Abbey's car, I love it because it is seriouly sooo cute! It's even a convertible, its so small it's only 106.1 inches long, 61.4 inches wide, 60.7 inches tall on a 73.5-inch wheelbase.

HA HA the best part of this is he took it for a spin, and in the stereo was a CD from "Elf" so here he is driving around with this Smart Car with "elf" blaring through the speakers. He said he got some intersting looks from people. This is the cutest car and I love it when I see my frined drive it. Nate looked so funny in it because the car is so small!! He could fit 3 of those in his garage!

Mary's version of the "Smart Car" hers just doens't get her far - and has a hard time getting in and out of it. But this toy pretty much looks like the Smart Car. - I think they designed it after this toy.

I love this time of year - I love the warm weather, how it brings everyone out of their houses. I walked around our neighborhood the other day and the amount of kids all over was soo cool, warm weather is so much more inviting and makes people happy. Goodbye Winter ohh how I don't miss you at this moment!

1 comment:

raising4boys said...

FUN FUN stuff!!! Bronson owns a smart car, lol. Too funny Deanna :)