Saturday, September 19, 2009

First Day

First day of being an actual STORE MANAGER!!!!! He thought I was a dork for making him do this... but doesn't he look like he is going to his first day of school? I love it!!! makes me laugh so much. I got up at 5:30 and made him a great breakfast, and packed him a lunch so really he couldn't say no when I forced him to take this picture. So if he looks tired it's because he did just get up, slept in while I slaved over his breakfast and lunch!
That's right folks Kelly is the NEW store manager for The Sports Authority at The District. So here is the rule, if you need ANYTHING sports related you are now commanded to ONLY shop at The Sports Authority at the Disctrict.
I am super proud of you Kelly, you have worked so hard to become the actually store manager. I know you will do amazing things with that store and that you will get all the employees excited about everything. Things are going up from here!! Good job babe!! And Good Luck!!
On a side note, just for those that don't know but I did get a part time job, I am a studio tech at Fox 13 News. I work 2 hours a day, but it's the best two hours of my life!!! So good things are coming to both of us in our careers!


The Caldwells said...

I like your curtains...they look like Deanna curtains. And oh yah, Kelly looks "cute" with his Sports Authority Lunch Box

Wendy said...

hahahaha This makes me laugh!

raising4boys said...

Ok! I missed that tiny detail in your newest post. CONGRATULATIONS!!! This is NEW news! WAY TO GO KELLY! I'll tell Randy to come shop there :)