Sunday, September 20, 2009

Oh what a night!

So I need you to imagine this all happening.

I'ts 11:50 on Saturday night Kelly has been home for about 45 mins. We just got ready for bed and were saying our nightly prayers. Right in the middle of our prayer Kellys phone goes off, that really annoying ring that sounds like a maraca or something. Well when Kelly's phone goes off that late at night its only one thing: WORK!!! It is always the alarm company. So we stop our prayers - okay he does I finish. He is on the phone with them for about 10 min as they are trying to tell him that the store's alarm wasn't set that night. He closed the store himself so he knows he set the alarm. Okay he says he will be the the store in 30 min. He has to go to to the store to re-set the alarm so they can see it on there side. I jump in the car with him so he doesn't have to go alone, and Router comes. Its a family afair!
We had to stop and get gas so we didn't get to the store till almost 12:45 at night. Kelly pulls up right in front of the store's doors and leaves the car on and me inside with the dog while he goes in to turn the alarm off, then re set it so the alarm company can see it's been set (again). He does it quickly and comes out and sits in the car and calls the alarm company to tell them the job has been done. Well no surprise they say they show thats it hasn't been done. Hmm thats weird because we are sitting in front of the store, the doors are all locked and Kelly just re-set the alarm once again. They tell him that they want to make sure the alarm is working that they need to see if they actually have security in the store. By this time, it's like one in the morning. Well The Sports Authority is right by a whole bunch of neighborhoods and he doensn't really want to trip the alarm to have it sound with lights and all just to see if it works. Well he doesn't really want to sleep at the store either. So back in he goes. This time he trips the alarm. The lights are flashing, the sirens are going off like crazy. Here I sit in our "get away car" right out front of the store, lights on with a dog running around the car. We are right in on the side of the movie theater that still has lots of cars in the parking lot mind you. Kelly is just hanging out inside talking on the phone while the sirens are still going off.
I see this car in the distance and it's coming our way. Well I don't really want to be in this car alone, while the sirens are going off... so I lean over to roll up the windows, and lock the doors just at this mini van goes by me. Yes that is me sitting in our get a way car. Thats all I can think is going through this persons head that just passed us.. that we were trying to rob the store!!! ohh geez!.
Well Kelly finally turns the alarm off and sets the alarm again and lockes the door and comes back out to the car. Yet again he calls the alarm company.. and what do you know they show that they had the alarm go off.. but ahh they don't see that the alarm was set yet again!! Well it was!!! So he has to call his assest protection guy to tell him all about this so he can let the alarm company know that they are aware of the problem.
Ohh just what pulls up behind us with is blue and red lights flashing? A cop in a MINI VAN? ever seen that happen? Neither have I. So we have to explain what we are doing - we was just as confused as us. He said and I quote: "I could see the lights going off in my binoculars but I counldn't see the alarm on dispatch" So he was watching us from a distance with is binoculars...... oh and I am pretty sure he is the one that passed us before. So to make it short the alarm works the alarm company just shows is that it's not on. Whatever. We get the approval that the store is save and we get to go home... roughly 1:25.

Ohh the joys of being a store manager...... oh the joys of being a wife of a store manager.

So anther first this week: a cop in a mini van!

Ohh what a night!


Robyn said...

That's a great story! I love that you kept thinking that you were in the get away car. :)

Nisha said...

At least you have some excitement in your life :)

Wendy said...

hahahahaah good laugh! Sorry about tonight! More later!

Jenn said...

That is a very entertaining story! I love that the cop pulled up a van! I guess he was hoping to take in a carload of people!

Tiff said...

LOL!!! hope you didn't have 9:00 church... :)

raising4boys said...

HEHE! They do have 9:00 church :) Sounds like a fun family adventure. I guess we better watch out for police in mini vans. Thanks for the warning. Sorry for your LONG night!

Ostler said...

Goodnight! Got tired reading it! You write a good storY!