Monday, February 16, 2009

Draper Temple

Yep we got to go to the Draper Temple open house on Saturday with my family and some friends, pretty good Valentine's Day present. It was so pretty! I love to go through the open houses, but also so blessed that I can go through the temple after they are dedicated. I have such a strong testimony about Temples and look forward to going everytime I do. So I am very thankful that we have temples so close to us, I need to take advantage of that more. And I know the things that go on in the temples are sacred and that if we live worthy we will recieve those blessings. What a great blessing that is in my life, to know that my family will live together forever because of the choices that Kelly and I made in the temple 5 years ago. WOW 5 years, that seems like yesterday sometimes.
(pictures aren't adding to my blog right now - booooooooo)

I have some other stuff to post on things going on with us, but for the life of me I can't seem to find my camera anywhere it grew legs and walked off. So when I find it I'll post more pictures of the Jazz game we went to.


Tiff said...

diddo!! i love the temple, and it is such a blessing to have them so close!!

Wendy said...

Cant wait to see pics! See you soon!

raising4boys said...

We had a great time going to the Draper temple as well. We are so blessed to have that opportunity and so many temples around us.

Hope you find your camera soon!!!!


How fun to beable to attend that open house. I wish I lived closer so I could go... You and Kelly are so cute and look so happy together.

P.S. I love seeing pictures of you guys!!!!