Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Show off

I just had to show off what Kelly has been working on for weeks and weeks - really when he gets somet time off he is trying to make out yard look nice. Don't mind the DEAD grass in some parts we don't know why it dies there every year - we think we found the problem - GRAVEL!!! Who puts gravel under grass?

He cut the lawn and put edging all along the flowerbeds to give it that definition it was in need of. He even fixed the rock wall I fell down this past October!

The edging on the side of the house. He had to cut alot of the grass out - it was growing right up to the flowers themselves. It looks so nice. Just need to get mor bark. But it looks 100 x's better!!

And just a simple fix to some ugly rocks that were there as a walking path. Looking good Kelly!! Thanks for all your hard work and always working in the yard - I try to help as much as I can (and when youre not yelling at me for helping) But it looks amazing so thank you - always love to show off your hard work sorry I don't do it more.


Tiff said...

that looks awesome!! love it!!

Michelle said...

Your yard looks great!!!

Nisha said...

Um...your yard put ours to shame BEFORE this new makeover. Thanks Kelly ;) Someday, we'll care more about what our lawn looks like.

Wendy said...

It looks great! I have seen his hard working man power! ;)

Hoylelicious said...

He says thanks!! And he seemed to STILL fill the garbage can again last night with weeds.. seriously where do they come from!!!

Jenn said...

It looks great! He can come over and landscape my yard. LOL.