Yep 26 years ago this is what Utah looked like and I was born! YEAH it was my birthday on July 30th - and it was the best ever! I got spoiled and I loved every minute of it!
I worked part of the day for my birthday but it was okay with me because everyone at my work is so super sweet and they made the day extra special. It was a crazy busy day and I couldn't stop smiling all day. Kelly had the beautiful flowers sent to my office with balloons. I like the
pink vase it was my favorite part!

I also had to post this cake I got from a friend in my office - thanks Brian! Ohh don't any of you worry I am eating it all by myself since it's complete chocolate and Kelly hates chocolate. YUM if you want some you better come over before I eat it all. I also got a chocolate doughnut from Terry - good thing I went to the gym that morning - burned off the calories before I ate them.
Well for my birthday this year Kelly took me to a play - we went to see BIG the musical

You know this one with Tom Hanks - yep it was made in the 80's just like me! The Hale Theater put on the musical - they even did the whole trampoline part - the floor opened up and they had a TRAMPOLINE come out of the floor - I want a room like that. The famous piano on the floor at the toy store - oh don't worry they did that too. They thought of everything. It was a great play - No Tom Hanks wasn't there but they did a marvelous job!
AND - I got to meet Zoltar and make my own birthday wish:

Of course it's unplugged - will I get my wish now? Well in BIG he got his wish - guess there is still hope for me yet! I love the movie BIG it's such a classic and the play was OSM!
Well what is a birthday without cake?

Okay lets have a little have a little commercial break here and talk about these wonderful delightful bundt cakes I am holding
"this cake has a whole in it"
"Nothing bundt cakes", these delicious moist, ever delightful handful of joy that once you eat it you can't stop! You must consume the entire cake it's just that good!! They are my new favorite thing, I tell everyone about them, and now I am telling you about them. Try them, eat them, do not share them for you will wish you could eat them all day!!! DELICOUS
Yes those are sparklers in my cake - and so.......

Thanks Kelly for a wonderful birthday you are the greatest ever!! I had a great birthday from sun up to sun down (even at midnight thirty when you woke me up to wish me a Happy Birthday!) I loved it all - its beats being in a car driving to Canada for sure!