Sunday, October 30, 2011

Zion National Park

What an amazing trip this was!!
Cody + Zion + laughing non stop + amazing weather + Amazing scenery = Best week ever!

I conquered my fear that week.  I walked up this:   Angels Landing
Oh don't worry thats a chain you get to hold on to, with a 1000+ drop on the other side, at points the drop off was on both sides of you

Scaled a mountain FAST

Made it to the top of Angels Landing, we made it in record amount of time.  Well for us, specially being the first time we were on this hike.   I was an angel on angels landing...without becoming a dead angel.
I tapped Angels Landing, Patrick was there he knows!!

It was an incredible view once you got to the top of Angels Landing.  But the wind was blowing, and it was cold and I knew what I had to hike back down...and I was still nervous.
What you go up you must go down.  This is how pretty much I looked coming down the entire thing, all you see is the top of my head.  I wouldn't stop I wouldn't look around because if I stopped and saw what was around me I was afraid I wouldn't be able to keep going.  So as a famous fish once said "just keep moving, just keep moving"  Thanks Dori, you were an amazing Motivation.  Oh and Thanks to Cody for being an amazing motivation as well I couldn't have done it without you....and yes you to Patrick glad we conquered together. 
Guess I'll have to go again to see what I missed

Observation Point

He was confused on if we go up or down...but there was a crease in the middle of Witchita.  I kept telling him, don't fold the map!
Amazing East Canyon we got to go through to get to Observation Point.

I could have stood on the top of that Mountain all day and looked over the Valley.  It was Amazing and so peaceful.  What a wonderful creation we have right in our own back yard.  Good thing it only took me 29 years to see this all!  Good thing Cody kidnapped me and told me I was doing this hike with him!  Good thing the day before we accidentally stumbled upon this path while trying to find Weeping Rock. 

Angels Landing from the top of Observation Point - yeah it looks so little and like its nothing!!  But see that strip going all the way across?  Yep thats what WE crossed with a chain as our guide.  That hike is the adreniline rush of hikes, Observation Point is the hike of hikes! 

Our furry little friend...oh Im sorry one of MANY of our furry little friends.  He was just hungry and wanted to find food.  I squeeled when he got on my leg, he tickled.   Cody was trying to take one home by trapping it his trail mix bag - could he help it if the chipmunk got in it all by himself.  Dont worry we checked all our bags to make sure we didn't have a hitchiker.

By Emerald Pools.
So many amazing experiences this trip.  Right after we took this picture by the pool we started to the Grotto and his shirt is from the Hard Rock in New Mexico.  We happened to pass a couple that was from New Mexico and of course thats like a conversation starter.  But he fought fires there this summer and he told them that and they looked at him gave him a big hand shake and Thanked him for all his hard work.  For saving so many of there "things" it was an amazing experience to be witnessing I wanted to hug all 3 of them.    Just one of many of the experiences we had while there.   I conquered my fear and proofed to myself and otheres that I could hike Angels Landing.  I laughed more those 4 days, more than I ever remember laughing.   I left Kairi over night well many nights for the first time with Grandma and I only called twice! I had such an amazing trip Thanks Cody for being a part of it, well letting me be apart of it I did invite myself, or did you kidnap me:?  I don't remember... either way -   Until our next adventrure..... RIGHT!!!

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